8:18 AM - Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The answer to my prayers/Before i start on the new year bit, i just had a good eve of new year's eve! =)
Crashed Nyp with Jacq and Aqila to have lunch with Cheryl. Did quite a number of videos and since I do not want to tarnish my reputation, i shall not post it up. HAHAHAHAHA. I love those laughs with them. Afterwhich, Jacq and I headed to town to finally catch twlight. To review it, well it was pretty good but guess what, it's completely fictional! hahahaha, actually most movies are fiction anyway! HAHA. Both of us were laughing at the weirdest scene!
Here are the snaps for the day though
JacqJacqJacq! =)
Oh, this was funny!
Me: can you imagine me with short hair?
Aqila: I can imagine me not talking to you with your short hair.
It's actually 8 am in the morning, and I actually just woke up. What a way to start the upcoming year right! I wanted to go for run, but I think Starsky's still asleep since he havent reply my text! hahahahaha, wait i can't blame him since HELLO, WHO WAKES UP AT 8 DURING THE HOLIDAYS!
I think I'll have that end of 2008 post tomorrow, promise! As for now, I think I'll get a few more hours of sleep since I have new year's eve plans later!
have a good last day of 2008, people! God bless =)
2:19 AM - Monday, December 29, 2008

Woah woah woah, Nurul's rolling her indonesian tongue and falling back into her traits! Anyway, I've been listening to some good indonesian songs. I never thought i could actually have them ringing in my ears at all. I mean, i barely have a single malay song in my player, let alone indonesian bands drumming or playing their lungs out into my ears! But with the influence of my cousins and brother, I think indonesian bands actually do have some goodness in them. Interesting huhhhhhhhh.
I'm actually not in a bad mood right now. To celebrate the new year in the Islam's calender, we kinda had a small feast which left us all so filled to the ultimate stomach brim, including the best buttered prawns everrrrrrrr. Although i think I still am allergic to prawns with the spots showing up again, I have no idea why I can't keep my hands off them!

Dad, brother, 1st child. HAHA

Well, it was a really spectacular dinner with my pack. I was so full, that i thought i was turning bullimic cause i really thought my body was gonna give way and puke it all out!
And to add to that, I guess I wasn't the only one in the household that was not in a bad mood. My parents bought the three of us presents for the new year? Christmas? hahahaha, i have no idea why actually but i really love the portable dvd player and the new camera to be precise! Kudos to the inventors of cameras! =)
Maybe doing flips on the stairs wasn't a good idea. hahaha
Yes, I have a hotter camera now =)
Seri was waiting for me to blog 'til she dozed off. I couldn't help it, friends is tickling me!
Anyway, it's a Monday and some of my friends are already starting school and i stil have 'bout two weeks left. I'm not exactly looking forward to school, but i do miss those busy and hectic schedule somehow. Weird, but true somehow. I kinda miss those lectures, when I'll either be sharpening my art of sleeping with eyes open, or texting or just disturbing the girls. But that's kinda sad now that it's just the three of us left. It's okay, I still have my bee stings! Besides, i miss the guys too. They've been awesome, how can i forget. But well, besides that we have that As to ace. At least i hope it's the right time to use 'ace'.
I can't believe in a few years time, my life of being a full time student would actually officially end and i would be working my ass off for cash? If i can even get there at least.
But lately, I've been thinking and actually talking to some of my friends. I think that life's too short to just worry 'bout how high your status is in the money making business. Well, i'm just 17 ( turning legal soon though!! HAHA) and you can tell me I'm too young to be thinking about this, but i think I'm in the right state of mind to be thinking about my future. After much thought, maybe, just maybe, I might want to lay off the books or jobs first, and actually go places that I've been wanting to go since a kid, after my As. Yes, maybe i wouldn't get a part-time job like how the rest of them might be thinking right now. I've heard from Aqila about making cash while you're travelling. That might work?
Or maybe, it's seriously a Monday morning and I'm just really sleepy that i have no control over what my fingers are dancing about.
12:06 PM - Sunday, December 28, 2008
Who are we to question thisI love facebook.
I can actually sit at home, browsing through profiles and applications, the entire morning and never got bored. I might actually delete my friendster account soon. We'll see. Just like how i may just switch livejournal.
Tanglin flea market yesterday was not as bad, since i practically spent half my allowance all in one day, in one place. Nowadays, flea markets = purchasing things i don't need but want, and will use it in the end anyway. Bargaining on the first round with Juizyan was fun, haven't seen her for pretty long so it was great catch up. After the fish and chips, Seri and farihin came with Zikri and we continued for a second trip. Zikri's getting cuter, very good looking boy indeed.
I'm surprised we didn't turn THAT selengeh after sitting beside her. hahaha
Awww, those incredible cheeks.This might actually be my last lazy Sunday for the year and since madr starts next week. I want to make full use of this moment, maybe I'll call someone out today.
Hmmm, I actually own two blogs right now. A public and private one, woah how can i possibly manage both when school starts ?! Livejournal's getting really appealing, with the ability to private certain posts. Only time will tell -__-
I don't know how many souls have i let in on this secret yesterday, but let me just make it public, I'm turning legal in exactly a month's time!
Now that I'm done watching all the episodes of gossip girl, 90210 and the hills, i shall travel back in time for friends. heh heh heh
Have a good lazy Sunday all.
11:00 AM - Saturday, December 27, 2008
Right now i belong to this moment
Cause i babble.
Haikel: I want to be in the porfolio too! HAHA.
Guest: Hey, currently staying clear of that dating scene for awhile. =)
Random reader: I guess that explains your question too. Haha
Liyana: RAFAEL IS REALLY GOOD LOOKING, NO KIDDING! Hahahaha, and yes, I’m a bimbo, minus the stupid part. HAHAHA. Oh yes, I will come up with a name for you soooooon. VERY SOON.
Farah: Oh yes, I forgot about you la minah. So yeap, when is the next date huh * eyebrows wag* BTW, I.MISS.YOU.GIRLS.A LOT
Aneroxic bitch: hahahaha nonsense. EH WE HAVE TO CATCH UP LIKE OLD TIMES! I shall let my guard down for this few seconds, I MISS YOUR CRAZY ANTICS ! :(
Cheryl: I’m glad you liked the brownie hotness! SEE YOU SOON
Farihin: HAHAHA my sulastri is only for a day lorxzxz. Yours is eternal. HAHA. And one day we have secret meeting, set? The aim of it: To come up with a name for our dear Liyana (:
Christmas is over already?!?!?!!?
I swear time is somehow working its way against the world. Anywhos, my pre-Christmas party with my pack and my Christmas dinner with the family was pretty good. 3 awesome dinners in 3 days, my stomach must’ve been treated real good with this festive season, but that only means one thing too. More rounds of the loos. How delightful
Oh by the way, I had two dinners in two days, in one place.
East Coast Park
Talk ‘bout being surrounded with fresh air.

Mom, sister, Nurul Nasyitah
I declare my brother a mat with this pose!

Awww, look at how cute my dad can be! hahaha

More buttcheeks, no?
I might have gotten myself into a huge trouble yesterday with my appearance at the front door with both (minutes and hour) hands on 12. But I had a good time with that woman. Cycling and roller-skating was fun in the afternoon,

She will so slaughter me for posting this snap up! haha




Okay, get this. She was trying her ultimate best to get into the picture ( yes, on both rollerskates and bike), but the next thing we know......................................................,
The both of us ended up in the period of abs production!And more good times,

Good day, woman? =)
And then dinner which cost a pretty bomb, though it was pretty much worth it since I was starving! Buttered prawns and a hell lot of bbq chickens= enough to fill up our stomachs.

And then we found a boy to join in the shots.
=)Though I had to meet with that unfortunate incident with that green, slimy, croaky,………. OH DON’T MAKE ME GO THERE. It was dark and I had no idea what I was kicking. I almost died, right there, in that instant. The next thing we know, we ran our ass, hearts, lungs, boobs off to the nearest bus stop, just as long as get out of that area! That was major LOL.
And it’s a Saturday morning. Both my parents are working. I don’t know if I’m actually allowed out but I have plans with Seri and Juizyan today! And I have cash. Does that all equates to one thing?
Yes, I should head out.Tsk, I’m surprise myself, Nurul.